Lately, he loves to suck on his bottom lip... we think there may be a tooth coming in on the bottom... but we don't know what the H we're talking about.... He had reminence of paint on his feet when he took a bath tonight, so I'm hoping...fingers crossed... squint and squat HOPING! that I get some sort of construction paper and tempra paint creation for mama's day. I'll laminate it.
OH! Speaking of tempra paint. I've witnessed a travesty. We all know I'm back in the pediatric world. I went to fetch a couple of kids for some ar-tic-u-la-shun therapy the other day and witnessed LIVE WORMS being placed amid drops of paint on a big peice of butcher paper. This was a scheduled activity. Next... the live worms, not knowing any better, wiggle around and "paint" with the drops of paint UNTIL. THEY. RESPIRATE. THE. PAINT. THROUGH. THEIR. OSMOTIC. PORES. AND. WRIGGLE. TO. A. SLOW. DEATH. I was waiting for one of those kids to ask. I didn't stick around, and I didn't call PETA, but COME ON! What's next, catch and release?! Good Gravy! (favorite new saying that I stole from my least favorite Food TV personality, Rachael Ray)
So back to the kid. He sucks on his bottom lip, turned 5 months on Monday for those of you who have lost count, and can almost sit up. I know what everyone is going to say about these pictures... You're worried about a buncha earthworms and you set your kid on the counter with no hands?! No babies were harmed in the taking of these nekkid booty pictures. He just got out of the bath... that's why he's all red and splotchy. Tomorrow is Friday! I love that. Happy Mother's Day Banana Nana. I'm trying to do as well as you did.
Good Gravy! Erin

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