Our sweet boy! He just keeps getting more enjoyable...
Sorry for the lull in posts... Shaun went to Dallas for new job training and took the laptop.

Here's all the white blonde kids that Ethan goes to school with. Fayetteville is no mecca of diversity. We really have to work on that.
We were watching whatever show comes on before Bob the Builder the other day.... about these kids who sing about their adventures in the rainforest... and the characters' names were 1) Uniqua 2) Jerome and I don't remember the others. Somewhere there's a little girl beaming that they finally have her name on TV. You know... I only came across Erin ONE TIME in a text book, and it was on a word math problem. LAME!
Uniqua had the best voice
We'll be at the beach next week so the next blog should be better than usual. SEE YA! E
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