Super-proud after scootching backwards all the way from Butta to the side table... its like half a mile in baby world... then muscling up to his bum for the photo-op.

And now.... what you've been wondering....

We were looking for a family outing to make memories in the 36 hours we had together before our governemnt steals our favorite Shaun back to Dallas... so we went to the DRIVE THRU SAFARI in GENTRY! Also the home of Little Debbie Cakes (God Bless the Oatmeal Cream Pie!) the town of Gentry has obtained large cats, llamas, emus, ostriches, lions, tigers, cougers, deer, spotty deers, deers with big horns, buffulo (no lie!), zebras, prairie dogs, brown bears, red-assed monkeys, little monkeys, big monkeys, medium monkeys, scary monkeys, flies, horses, donkeys and YES! a rhinocerous, a hippo, and an ostrich that live in the same fence.

All right here in our almost backyard. There's a petting zoo too, but we abstained since I am not into e-coli. Oh, and kangaroos. It was wild. They all just kinda hang out and let cars drive on by. Anyone who says that large birds did not evolve from dinosaurs has not seen their big dinosaur feet.
Public announcement of the day: Now I wish I had taken a picture...
Outside the tiger's area, but still within the fence, there are lots of horses and donkeys. Obviously, the horses were doing all the work and the donkeys were just. standing. around. looking stupid. So anyway, there's this sign that says.
NOTICE: HORSES AND DONKEYS ARE MOWERS NOT FOOD. I guess some little kid was horrified that perhaps the tiger's food was trapped inside that fence to meet his ultimate demise. Nope, just mowing... Halarious.
Now I admit that I did have a bad attitude about the drive through safari before we got there. I'll will say thatI was wrong, and that this was an impressive display of safari life in the ozark mountains. Strange, but impressive.
It's my bedtime. I also apologize for my omission of apostrophies in my last blog. Poor grammar is inexcusable. I'll blog again next weekend when Shaun brings my computer home.
If you happen to know a single mother, go to her house and make her take a shower while you entertain her child(ren) and unload her dishwasher. :) E
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