Ethan and Shaun had a boys' weekend while I went away for some much needed R&R. They put on Nikes to go to the park, bought a spiderman couch (fold-outable!) and sustained themselves on chocolate ice cream, pudding, football, and The Empire Strikes Back. I hear there was a tent in the living room, but that's the only info they are divulging. Everyone had all appendages attached when I got home and I did get the "I sure am tired" that I was looking for. I slept until 11 and 9 on respective weekend mornings, and missed my boys dearly. It was also nice that they wanted me to come back home. Shaun thought he had the flu when I got home, but I assured him thats just what you feel like after a weekend alone with Ethan. Apparently, my pictures are in no particular order, as I have lost the ability to move them once they are posted. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Ethan is itching to walk, but needs a partner...he loves his books and can point out duck and ball and dog and we think can say the first syllable accordingly. I'm not ready to shout out that HE SPEAKS!, but we're getting close. He can wave bye-bye but doesn't know what it means, and he's LOTS better at "dad" than "mama." Ethan's asleep, Shaun is bowling... I think I'll hit the treadmill.
By the way, OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Julien Alexander Vinet, probobly the best friend that Ethan will ever have, is scheduled to arrive on the 11th... that's tomorrow. His parents Robert and Angela (Bert and GiGi to Ethan) are already at the hospital. WE CAN'T WAIT!! I'll post a pic when I get one. :) E
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