Ethan took 6 steps this weekend. They were short and wobbly... but they were unassisted. He hasn't done it since. His carrot was (you guessed it!), his stuffed dog.
We threw a two-day-coup and got our living room back. We now have all the toys stuffed into another room that has a door. Ethan likes that the spider man couch is his gateway to the other couch, and Elmo is SO MUCH BIGGER on the other TV!
I was audited by the Arkansas Board of Examiners of Speech Language Pathologists today. That was fun. Shaun was no help saying that audits were "a good way to learn" and "necessary to improve." PUH-LEASE Mr. Taxman... nobody likes an auditor. Mine; however, was reasonable, and lauded me as "excellent" and as "obviously not being userpt." Strange, but I'll take it. A facade of pretty charts and graphs can get you places.

On that note, nighty night.
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