Hey hey. Long time no post. We've been busy. Ethan got to ride his first WalMart Quarter Stealer on our way to Shreveport. He liked it just as much when it wasn't moving. Mental note taken. We finally got to MoMo's house, played in the yard, became Godparents to Julien Alexander, went to his party, met another kid named Ethan, got back in the car and came back home. It was a good trip.

Ethan still prefers 4 wheel drive over 2. He's making up for it all with his little new words that are popping up daily. Momo asked him "Did somebody push you?" and he pointed to his shoe. He's funny. He has also overgeneralized all things round to "ba!!" Tomatos, apples, acorns, actual balls,oranges, you name it. If its round, its "ba!!" and he has to hold it. He's got his signs down pretty well, but milk is starting to get mixed up with bye bye, and nap is getting mixed up with hat... he does add a little " haaa haaa" choking on a hairball kinda sound to the hat one...bath is getting mixed up with hug... BUT, we have a yes nod and a no shake, so after 8-10 questions, we understand EXACTLY WHAT HE'S SAYING. We're no picture of efficiency.
Other new tricks include throwing fits in stores (I was that mother... we had to leave), refusing anything thats not yogurt, and running away from diaper changes. We wouldn't have it any other way.
I have to go fix this kid some... um... yogurt. Talk soon. E
1 comment:
Ah yes, the quarter stealers. Eli didn't know that they actually moved for years. He still enjoys to just sit in them without us feeding them quarters.
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