Could you eat him up? I could.
Weather is beautiful in Fayetteville. We've been spending more time outside, which may explain the goop in Ethan's eyes. Shaun took him to the doc this morning to make sure it wasn't his ears, and we're in the clear.
Tonya (the teacher who loves our Ethan) claims that he rolled over last week. I didn't see it, and I have yet to, so I'm going to pretend it didn't happen. I'll wait until he shows me to believe its real. I told Tonya just not to tell me if any more developmental milestones were reached without me there.

Banana Nana came this weekend. Ethan again succombed to her magical ways.
We are all doing well. Shaun goes to Shreveport next week, so I may be slow blogging... single parentood aint easy.
Talk soon to all. LOVE LOVE, E

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