We're still hit and miss on holding the bottle. Now that I work back in the pediatric therapy world, I'm surrounded by OTs and PTs that have WORLDS of do's and don'ts that they've stuck by over the years... and they all conflict. Use a sippy cup! Never use a sippy cup! Don't teach using handles! Use handles! Pacifiers train good sensory integration! Pacifiers lead to braces! AHHHH! I'm trying not to turn him into an experiment. Although.... his bilabial sounds have emerged um... one month early. pbpbpbppbpbpbppbpbpbpbpbppbth. That's all I'll say about that.

He's found his feet, will pretend to pay attention to a book, and can make the tri-lingual woman in his exercaucer talk. Funny... but I think they consider the animal sound itself a language. Quick reminder: the box says tri-lingual. Example: Hit it once..woof woof woof woof
Hit it again... nice woman's voice says "dog!"
Hit it again.... same woman says "perro!"
Hit it again..... Claire de Lune in battery tuned C minor

I'm going to go do another load of laundry. I also have evidence that I'm serious about saving for this backyard pool... I went to a Pampered Chef party last night and didn't. buy. anything. It was hard.
I like to eat ooples and banoonoos... E
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