Thursday, May 31, 2007

I know! I know! Its been three weeks. I'm a busy woman. Yes, that is a different baby. That's my Audrey... and I got to go see her cause her mama turned the big 3-0. It was a fun time.

Ethan is a maniac. I tried to post his best pics. He loves his bobblehead. He carries him gingerly everywhere he goes. When we take the batteries out (yeah, he sings!) it devestates him... he's like a lab rat pushing the button... confused, hungry for song and dance... so we always give in and load him back up. Bobblehead is asleep in the linen closet right now. Shhhhhhhh!

Anything outdoors is OK with EMO. He loves the hose, makin puddles, stomping, etc.. He has adopted the frogs (they're plaster) out of the flowerbed (i don't know how I acquired them... not really my style...) alas, he loves them, kisses them, pets them, washes them. I'm not sure what's going on there.

We're learning some exciting new tricks. In order of frequency: 1. Time out 2. Poopin in the potty
For all you PETE members out there (get it, anyone??) time out is merely, oh, 15 seconds standing in the laundry room alcove. You'd think we ripped his eyeballs out. He has started self-imposing time out, complete with a fake cry and a high five after he tells me all the no-nos in the house (oven climbing, coffee-table standing, t.v. and or zoe hitting). I guess he's learning.
Now the poop... I"m not saying we're there yet or anything, but I will say that he has made some deposits in the appropriate recepticle. Nobody else cares about this as much as I do. We really do take the flush for granted. We do. We do.

Assumptions Ethan has made... Since ducks= water, water must = ducks. Any body of water, puddle, lake, rain. We do alot of quacking. Can't leave the house without a hat. CAN'T. LEAVE. WITHOUT. HAT.
The fridge holds food. Bananas are the greatest thing. Juiceboxes are for squirting. Kissy lips are halarious. If someone wants to hold your hand, dissolve into puddle on the floor. If your parents say hurry, run in place just to piss em off...

I'll try to post again sooner than last time. No apologies. Wife, Mother, Sister, Daughter, self-employed, works out regularly, 34 pounds lighter (!!!) Erin

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