Saturday, September 01, 2007

I took this picture right after I told Ethan that we were going to try to take a nap at school without his paci. He was obviously worried, but took it like a man. He went to school, had a good day, and waited until he got home to turn on the big guns. He came in calmly, composed himself and said "mama, please paci, please" and walked away. There were no tears, no breakdown, just a plea for his favorite thing. And it worked, oh how it worked! We're back to naps and bedtime with paci. Oh well. I'll know what I'm up against next time. Shaun has taught Ethan how to hide... but only in two places. He hid in my shower for a good 5 minutes the other day while I was panicked... not outside, no doors open? i finally heard him tap dancing in the bathroom and ran in there to find him. He said "BOO mama!" and wanted to play again. Football season is in full bloom, Ethan has been trained to say "Gooooo Tigers!" at any SEC team icon. Ethan sees a Razorback and yells "Go TIgers!" He might get beat up here.. we'll watch him carefully. Nana and PawPaw have come on full storm, and he can, when prompted, call the Hogs. Nana calls this picture "Nature vs. Nurture" . Clever that Nana! This thing says I can post a video, so I'll post one. This is Baby Beluga...a Byrd family favorite. :) E

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