Tuesday, January 22, 2008

That Nana has an insatiable hunger for the blog. More more! It's never enough. So here I go. I suppose you don't pull up this page if you aren't interested. We are in full swing of year TWO! He vacillates between sweet and considerate; he gives Zoe a blanket when she goes to bed, he says thank you, and you're welcome, he offers us bites of applesauce without fail. But for ever moment of sweet comes the moment of opposition; "I don't have bubbles! I don't have milk! I don't go bed!" and my newest moment of awe: " Don't touch it mama." WHAT? You're tellin' ME not to touch something? Whatever, just don't scream.
His little brain is coming up with all new concepts. His commentary is never ending. The cows eat salad for supper, he likes boys and girls, he says "how yoooou mama?" when I come to pick him up at school. I asked him today if he was happy, and he said "Noooo, I'm not happy, I'm a big boy!" He asks us "what doin' mama? what doin' daddy?" then tells us what he doin. What a trip.
Latest cognitive skill is the beginnings of temporal concepts. He now knows that what is happening NOW as you take a picture can be reviewed LATER for enjoyment. He used to want pictures of things to just appear on the screen. So, we now take pictures and pictures and pictures of Bob the Builder ( "he so silly, bob bob aran") in different places (bobobaran on couch! bobobaran in bed! bobobaran on bike!)
So Nana, these moments are immortalized in print. If you get itchy, you can read it again. I'll try to find literary prose in tomorrow.

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