Sunday, August 17, 2008

New School!

Our new school... hopefully until 7th grade.

This is the area Ethan et al. gets to come to everyday and pick, as a socialistic society, what they will all pretend for the day... Spacemen? Grocery Store? Japanese Tea House? I went in the other day and they were having a Mexican Fiesta complete with sombreros and flan. I hope they teach him some math one of these days or something. No- for real. He's been very happy there, so we are very happy as well.

I was going to take some more pictures, but he asked me to leave so he could go play instruments. I took my cue and put my camera away.

And... here's the newest picture of "Baby Pot Tart".. not the best pic in the world, but inside the bubble, theres a head, a torso, Pop Tart is hugging him/her self, then there's some legs. I wish I could really get to the bottom of what Ethan thinks Baby Pop Tart is. This is what we've gotten so far:
"Baby Pop Tart is in my belly. He is still growing. He's going to POP OUT! when I am three. He does not have arms. He is going to cry alot, I will not eat him."

I think I should get accolates for TWO posts in ONE day. Shaun is going to Dallas next week, so I'll be alone with the toddler. Think of me.

I can handle it, Mother of the Year

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