Friday, November 10, 2006

Hello Hello! Its Friday all of the sudden again. We're lucky enough to get to stay home today. Every body in this house has been through the common cold this week. You may think its funny but its snot. AH HA HA. One of my favorites!! We all have hacking coughs and the sniffles.
Our friend Audrey is having heart surgery on Monday, so keep her in your thoughts and prayers.. as well as her parents, and her grandparents... She won't remember it, but her Mama will.
We can't really get Ethan to sit still and cheese it up for the camera anymore, so we've transitioned on in to the candids.
I'm going to huddle down while all these freaky Razorback fans do their thing this weekend. I hope everyone has a good game, I hope they play their best, and I hope no one gets hurt. Ethan may donn his 'Backs jeresey since his daddy is hiking 20 miles of the Ozark Highland Trail this weekend. NOT what I want to do on my weekend. He has his orange on so he doesn't get shot. Olive my love! E

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