Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hey there. We're back. Our little guy is getting tall and skinny. We can't keep his jeans on him. He's learned to wave at EVERYONE and EVERYTHING... and he's not shy. He is currently obsessed with hats and lids. He asks for his hat when he gets up in the morning, and then puts anything he can on his head and calls it a hat, then laughs. I don't know if he's figured out that his head is indeed his head, or that hats are people lids, or what. He also likes to be in charge of all lids of the house... and we give him that duty.

We were trapped in the house for two days with snow and ice. We were all ready. to. go. by the time we could brave the roads. Notice in his snow pics that he's wearing two hats... and he had a towel "hat" underneath there as well. What a nut.

Yesterday Ethan became an offical walker in my head. He was making laps between the kitchen, where he would "dan! dan!" (dance dance) and clap his hands and wiggle his behind, then back to me in the living room, then back, then forth, then back... no hands, not many falls, NO HANDS! Its still crazy to me.

I need to be a better blogger... I'm starting to get phone calls with subtle hints. I'LL TRY! I'LL TRY!

See you soon,

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