Saturday, April 05, 2008

Spring is finally here. We've been cooped up in this house too long this winter. We were starting to get stale.
We went to the Farmer's Market, where Ethan was very excited to meet some farmers. He met some herb farmers, shook their hands, then tried to get in their farmer truck.
We had to disappoint him and bring him back home, but then the boys planted our garden, went on wheelbarrow races across the yard, and played in the sprinkler.

Topic switch: Potty training is stupid. He has no desire to play any sort of "big boy" games, and I heard him tell shaun the he "love those diapers and wants lots of them." Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Or I'm stupid for trying.
Mr. Sassy is getting a little out of control. This whole NO! thing is on our nerves. Alas, we wouldn't trade him in. Mr.Sassy... that's good. I think I'll continue that until we parent(a.k.a. fly by seat of pants) him through this lovely phase.
Talk soon! E

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