Wednesday, April 23, 2008

We traveled South last weekend. I got lots of pics with the Little Rock cousins, and apparently put my camera on sabbatical while we were in Shreveport. I'll get those cousins on the next trip.

This boy loves some tomatoes. He got to spend lots of time with Eli and Emily in their backyard. He doesn't look big next to many people, but he's got a head on Emily... for a little while atleast.

Got to drive the "tractor lift" at PawPaw's plant. He got a new bag of tile and now plays "PawPaw's tile store."

Ethan is in awe of Eli. I pull my Eli card whenever I need Ethan to do something sans resistance. Eli takes a bath... Eli wears shoes.. Eli doesn't go to school naked. I'm hoping it works for a lifetime.
When you put them all together in a sandbox, they certainly look related. I never know if I see Ethan when I look at Eli or if its the familiarity I recognize from Sam. Freaks me out.
Again, I'll catch more Shreveport pictures on the next trip. Mimi had a heart attack this morning, but she's ok. Get well soon Mimi!!!
Talk soon, E

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