Sunday, July 27, 2008

Oh Nana! What a trooper. She came for a whole week on her own volition. I halfway expected to come home to find her collapsed on the T-Ball diamond. Shame on me for doubting The Great Nana. I've spoken before of her magic dust she comes and sprinkles on our boy... she did it again. He was even potty trained for her... not so much luck for the regular old parents.

Nana showed up with her craft box. Ethan has little skill and no interest in stringing beads. He liked to stack them up and knock them over, but that was about it. She did get some reading and some Bingo playing in between innings.

Ethan now likes to "slide" when he plays baseball. Mom said it took him wallowing in the one pile of dirt he found in the backyard for quite a while to get dirty like the baseball guys. Note the tad of dirt on his shirt. Disclaimer: He picked his own uniform.

Ethan asked me where Nana was this morning. He said he missed her. I'll bet he does- as I won't wear a helmet, get in his pool, tackle him, play T-Ball in the noon sun, or bake in the sun as he practices his chip shot. They had a great week together and we had a fun time watching them together. Ethan NEVER lets me hug on him after his nap. No lap, no hug, no nothing. He would crawl right up on Nana's lap and snuggle in after every nap he took. Whatever.
Since Nana left, we've had to bribe Ethan to go to sleep. Shaun told him that if he would go get in his bed, he would get him a really special football shirt. He complied, so Shaun let him sleep in his LSU tshirt. It swallowed him up, and Ethan said "Oh Daddy! It's beautiful!"
Talk soon! E

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