Tuesday, February 07, 2006

This Bumbo seat is cool. If I could afford it, I would buy one for every baby I know.. just Audrey really, cause all the other babies I know can sit up...
Ethan and I visited the Washington County Health Unit this morning to get some shots. It was a traumatic day. I'll recap:
1. We arrive at out appointment time of 9:15
2. We are met by no less than 17 FREAKS in the waiting room
3. I fill out paperwork one handed with a sleeping baby
4. We get called at 10:30.
5. Poop rockets to the back of Ethan's neck as the first needle punctures his perfectly plump thigh.
6. I realize I am COMPLETELY UNPREPARED for a costume change. I have one diaper and three wipes.
7. I strip him naked, clean him up the best I can and rush him back to the car in a blanket and a diaper.
8. He screams the whole way home for lots of reasons.
9. Shaun gave him a bath.
10. I drop him at Gayla's house
11. I get halfway to work, decide I'm hungry.
12. I DON'T drive through for a burger, and instead eat my Zone Bar. Its dry. Very dry.
13. I reach for my cup of water. It slips and pours ALL. OVER. MY. LAP.
14. I walk into work with a soaking wet crotch at 11:30 AM.
15. I learn that Old Navy Polyester pants dry suprisingly fast.
16. Ethan was just fine when I picked him up. I'm still not OK.

1 comment:

carole said...

WELCOME TO "MOMMYHOOD"!!!It's not always like this, just when you're in a hurry.. Ethan sure is a cutie. I really like reading this page, your stories are funny.

Carole (Hiram's wife)