Sunday, March 16, 2008

Any day that starts with breakfast in bed can't end well, right? It was a beautiful springish day. He didn't have to wear a coat (his parents refuse to buy a new one for this season... it's gotta stop snowing soon!, so he has to cram his 27 month body in a 12 month coat), and nobody chewed on him at school...

He went to check the mail, there's that steep grade in the driveway, and he um...forgot to catch his pretty little face before it hit the concrete. He still has all his teeth.

He's scabbed up pretty well, but he's resumed all normal activities. He takes his eggos at the table now. He's usually on the basketball court first thing in the morning. When did he get so big??
My napper is awake... gotta go. We're going to go buy a potty this afternoon!!
love, E

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