Thursday, March 06, 2008

It's been a rough week for Ethan's head. First, he ran into the schoolbus toy on the playground outside school. There's a big old bump on his temple. Then he ran into the garage door while he was "shootin hoops wit daddy". Then he tackled himself on the tile AFTER he took his helmet off. He's learning. We've got our first picture appointment ever tomorrow, and he's covered with bumps and bruises.
What else what else.... he likes to line up his new safari animals. They ate dinner with him tonight. And... when we were talking the other day, I told him he could have some nice green round grapes for his snack, he rolled his eyes at me (I swear!) and said, "mama- grapes ovals." Of course they are.
He's in a growing spurt, so he eats early breakfast(7:30), on the way to school breakfast(9:30), 10:00 snack at school, lunch(11), school snack at 3:00, snack when he gets home, dinner, and bedtime snack. And the boy loooooves a "fin mint." Thank you girl scouts. Halleluja, "footballman" finally loves some personal hygiene. If he brushes his teeth, then he gets to shave... and with all those thin mints, he's gettin' good at the molars.
We're supposed to have a snow day tomorrow, but I'm. tired. of. snow. Hoping for the mid 60s instead.
Love to all, E

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