Friday, September 12, 2008

Commentary on the second child

I would post a picture, but I've lost them all. Every single sonogram image of Ethan is carefully trimmed and pasted in a special book. I do know that one of EM'
s pictures is in Ethan's car seat with peanut butter prints on it, the other ones... no idea. I don't worry about EM. I got Ethan's fall wardrobe the other day and even perused the infant section and forgot about the poor kid in my belly. I'm sure we've got a onesie and a blanket for him around here somewhere. I woke up at 4AM the other morning and kept wondering "what IS that? It's like something is kicking me from insi... OH... yeah, him." Motherhood.
I promise to love this EM just as much. I think I might even ENJOY his infancy because APPARENTLY, I won't be near as worried about keeping this one alive. Momo was always worried that Shaun or I would leave Ethan on the top of the car...NOW she's got something to worry about. No no no, I won't forget my Elliot Martin.

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