These top three were intended to be the leftovers on the bottom. Making coffee, doin' some chores, trying not to giggle.
This next triad, in reverse order, tells the story of the new Razorback uniform. Requested by Ethan, delivered by Nana. Shaun has been a TREMENDOUS sport about the collision of his LSU roots and his Hog Wild In-Laws. 'Cause Nana shows no restraint. She showed up with the complete ensemble. There's a 6 minute video of Ethan receiving his gift oh so graciously, and when I figure out how to post it, I will do so. Anyway, the new uniform was worn for the entire weekend, and I finally got to peel it off his body once he was asleep. Again, Shaun wins the self-restraint prize of the century... all this Hog calling and red and white in his purple and gold sanctuary..
Now, this was supposed to be on the top of this page. We attended and Ethan participated in the 32nd annual New School Fun Run. There was a goal post and a football field which Ethan ran the length of before his race, so I'm just saying that he probably would have won had he not have spent so much energy blah blah blah... Oh, sorry... anyway... so they were divided into heats of 5. Ethan was OBVIOUSLY the most prepared, as we had watched the runners in Beijing. Parents were encouraged to help their 2 year olds to the track and to keep them on course. Ethan refused any such help... he struck his starting block pose as soon as the official said "On your mark", and he ran his 40 feet with honor and determination, and INDEPENDENCE, and won the bronze! There did happen to be two kids drug down the track that finished in front of him. Hmmmm. I'm over it, really.
No really.. I told Ethan before hand that if he fell down just to get back up and keep running and was fully prepared for some sort of last place finish. He got a trophy and a medal and just wanted to go see the goal post again. My camera did run out of battery right after the race started, but the NBC station followed him the whole way down, so I'm trying to get that footage. The paper asked our names and everything after his glorious finish, but some other cute blonde kid trumped him in the paper too. Whatever. I'm over that too.
I had a really hard parenting morning with one naked Ethan (I'm not as fast as I used to be) screaming "you see my tiny shiny hiney?" over and over through running and giggles while he would not get dressed. I wish I could convey the stress it caused me this morning... doesn't seem so bad now. Anyway, in the time I have typed this post, he has TOTALLY REDEEMED HIMSELF, as he took off all his clothes, put them in his laundry basket, put his shoes away, and put on his pajamas. Maybe he'll read this someday...way to go kiddo.
Off to read books... Mama
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