That's his Saint's uniform... excuse me, practice uniform. I had to talk him into a practice helmet and practice pants. Those are gold wrapping paper fleur de li on his hat. I do admit some sort of sick pleasure out of being able to make WHATEVER he asks me to.
My tree hunters brought home a loverly balsam piney smell good tree. Ethan could actually manipulate the hooks on the ornaments this year, and was fiercely inedependent in his design. So, we have a large blob of elmo, big bird, and all things sporty about 3 feet up. He's watching for deviations in his design, so it has stayed put.
We had the first annual showing of the Polar Express in 3-D, which was almost miserable... the 3D part, not the movie. Myabe it was the glasses, maybe it was me, but I didn't like it.
Our final display... and the most timely I've ever gotten all this stuff up! Please note Dudley Sparkle, the Elf on the Shelf, to the immediate left of the tree. He is this craze that Momo let us in on... he goes to the North Pole every night, we can talk to him, we CANNOT touch him, and he reports to Santa on how we've been behaving. Dudley returns while we are sleeping and hides in a different spot every night. He was sitting on top of the microwave this morning, and when Shaun said "Ethan! Dudley moved out of your stocking! How did he get up there?" Ethan's response was simply "Mama moved him."
I have an ultrasound next week, so I'll hopefully be able to post an Elliot picture.
Til then, E
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